
  1. Spectral Analysis of Non-ideal MRI Modes: The Effect of Hall Diffusion Journal arXiv

    This paper conducts an exhaustive study of the local stability of accretion disks, specifically protoplanetary disks subject to various so-called non-ideal effects in weakly ionized and weakly magnetized plasmas. Our findings indicate the degree to which the material disk properties and the magnetic field are efficiently transported through the disk.

    Recommended citation: Mohandas, G. & Pessah, M. E. (2017), ApJ, 838, 48

  2. Analytical Models of Exoplanetary Atmospheres. V. Non-gray Thermal Structure with Coherent Scattering Journal arXiv

    In this paper, we derive a comprehensive analytical model of irradiated planetary atmospheres. In the era of extra-solar planet discovery, this model would prove beneficial in understanding the atmospheric properties of these distant worlds.

    Recommended citation: Mohandas, G., Pessah, M. E., & Heng, K. (2018), ApJ, 858, 1

  3. Dust Segregation in Hall-dominated Turbulent Protoplanetary Disks Journal arXiv

    This paper, led by my colleagues, presents a thorough computational study of non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic conditions present in a protoplanetary disk and the dust concentrations and density structures that it leads to.

    Recommended citation: Krapp et. al. (2018), ApJ, 865, 105

  4. Orbital stability in static axisymmetric fields Journal arXiv

    In this paper, we advance the stability theory of a charged particle in circular orbit. We discover new modes of stabilization and destabilization. Our results suggest potential implications for the stability of planetary ring systems.

    Recommended citation: Mohandas, G., Heinemann, T., & Pessah, M. E. (2019), CeMDA, 131, 3